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Little hands quickly grow and every parent hopes that their child's first experience at Nursery School will be both enjoyable and rewarding. At 'Little Hands' we aim to achieve this by providing a stimulating learning environment within small intimate groups and therefore provide one member of staff for every four children. At 'Little Hands' we believe that children learn through play and having fun and we plan each session to provide a wide variety of activities giving as many experiences as possible.

There is time to play in groups and alone, indoors and out, adult led and child initiated, supervised at all times by experienced trained staff. We place great importance on building social skills and language which we can achieve using our high staffing ratio and each session is carefully planned around the individual needs and interests of each child to develop a secure foundation for their future learning.

The 'Little Hands' curriculum is closely based on the Early Years Foundation Stage using the six early learning goals for two to five year olds and we apply our central philosophy of 'Learning Through Play' to ensure all learning is fun, giving opportunity for success, developing confidence and acquiring new skills in preparation for full time education.

Little Hands Nursery Schools

Little Hands Nursery Schools Limited                         Registered in England No 9156471
Registered Office : 1, Moorfield Road, Duxford, Cambridgeshire CB22 4PP

The Village Hall, Bourn    -     Three Hills Farm, Bartlow    -     The Moor, Melbourn    -     Newton Hall, Newton

© Little Hands Nursery Schools, all rights reserved.